215 - Married Children

Between 2005 and 2015 over 200,000 children under the age of 18 were married in the US. The majority of them were young girls marrying adult men. In Tennessee three 10 year old girls were married to men up to 31 yeas old. California is one of the 25 states that does not have a minimum age for marriage. Meaning, in theory,  girls as young as 10 or 11 could get married with parental consent and a judge's approval. In this very special episode Pastor Luke and guest host Father John Reid, are joined by a very special guest, Sara Tasneem. At age 15 Sara was forced into a religious marriage, she was taken overseas and returned to the US a few months later, pregnant, and was legally married in Nevada. The fact that this happens is complete and utter BS! Love y'all and I hope you enjoy your week!